Edmonton Collectble Toy and Comic Show 2009

The Edmonton Collectible Toy and Comic Show is coming up this Sunday (March 29th). I’ve got a table in the aritst alley along with Deathworld creator Rudi Gunther, so you should stop by and say hi. Or just show up to meet the dude who plays Ando on Heroes. I’ll have copies of Rent-A-Thug: First Offence on hand, as well as some of the few remaining hats. I’ll also have the usual assortment of prints (Charlie No-Aim and G-Fresh) along with the second print run of the Hockeypocalypse print, which has proved to be rather popular. Rudi and I will be at table A20, which is apparently not far from the entrance. Local pencil-wielding-dyanmo Dan Schneider will also be there, as well as Paul Lavallee who is rocking a new book called Induced, which looks pretty rad. Check out the show’s website for the rundown on all the special guests.

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