Rent-A-Thug #216 – Two Crooks, a Croc, and a Fine Pair of Shoes part 2
Dirk the Head got us started in this story, but now we get to see what Mr. Nixon’s up to. This story bounces back and forth between Dirk and Nixon as they both embark on a night’s worth of criminal adventures. Most of the jumps between the two come when one of them is doing something time-consuming (for example, while Dirk the Head is on his way to “work” we jump over to Nixon in the warehouse).
I forgot to mention it last time, but the title to this story comes from the TV show “Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place”. I barely remember the show, but I needed a title for this story and I saw the “Two Kirks, a Khan, and a Pizza Place” sketch on Robot Chicken and immediately came up with the title for this story. Entirely unrelatedly, Mr. Nixon is one of the few Rent-A-Thug characters who is easy to draw in a low angle shot.
Thanks for reading, see you Friday! And Happy New Year!
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