Rent-A-Thug #249 – Charlie No-Aim Goes to College part 3
March 27th, 2009

Rent-A-Thug #249 – Charlie No-Aim Goes to College part 3

Technology really doesn’t want to play ball today, apparently. First, my imaging program imploded and I had to download a new one just so that I could get today’s comic ready to post, then Firefox wouldn’t let me log in to my admin panel. Sometimes I wish it was possible to punch non-physical things in the face (or face equivalent). I would very much like to do so right now.

This is my favourite strip in this little mini-series so far, even though it’s inexplicably fuzzy-looking (probably due to trying to figure out a new imaging program. Hopefully I can fix it in the next few days). I didn’t really have a punchline for this one until I sat down to draw it, then I came up with Charlie’s reaction to “freedar”. Which seems like exactly the kind of thing Charlie No-Aim would say.

Also, if you’re in the area you should stop by the Edmonton Collectble Toy and Comic Show this Sunday. I’ll be there with Deathworld creator Rudi Gunther, as well as a healthy stock of books and prints.

Thanks for reading! Have a good weekend and I’ll see you on Monday!

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