Rent-A-Thug #28 – Rules For Criminal Success #58
I’ve mentioned the Rules For Criminal Success series a few times now in the newsposts, so with the conclusion of Protection Rackets & Head Trauma I thought I’d give you a look at some of them. This has almost nothing to do with the fact that I haven’t had time to create any new pages in the vertical format (or does it? DUN DUN DUN!)
The Rules For Criminal Success series of strips run in, and are now in their third year of publication. This particular strip is the first Rent-A-Thug strip ever drawn and the first to run in the paper. It ran in September 2005 and was nominated for Comic of the Month. I think it lost, but I honestly have no idea if there was even a winner declared.
Thanks for reading, I’ll be back tomorrow with another Rules For Criminal Success strip.
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