Rent-A-Thug #231 – Two Crooks, a Croc, and a Fine Pair of Shoes part 17
Just finished this one fifteen or twenty minutes ago. I’m thinking if this keep up I might have to cut updates back to two-a-week to keep on top of things. It’d also give me some extra time to work on other projects, like Hockeypocalypse and The Trenches, which I haven’t had enough time to do much on lately. I have a week off coming up, maybe I can get ahead then.
There’s some more attempts at perspective here, with varying degrees of success (or, more accurately, brief moments of non-failure. Stupid perspective). Also, it’s really hard to try to make women look sexy and yet still fit with the blockiness of the characters. Really, really hard.
Thanks for reading! Have a good weekend and I’ll see you on Monday!
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