Mug Shots/Rap Sheets and New Update Schedule!

I just thought I’d point out that I’ve added a new section to the site, which can be found on the right hand navigation bar. The Mug Shots/Rap Sheets section is essentially the character bio section, but in a format more suitable to Rent-A-Thug. Charlie No-Aim and G-Fresh are the only bios posted right now, but I’m planning to update it as new characters appear in the stories. As of this post my current list of additions includes Rastovich, Captain Impressive, Frank Baron, and Herschal Schultz, among others.

 Also, arguably more importantly, I’m moving to a new update schedule. I’ve achieved my goal of bulking up the site’s content to make it worth repeat visits, and I plan on continuing to do that but at a slightly slower pace. I’ve been swamped with university work and other obligations lately and it’s been preventing me from doing as much comic work as I’d like to be doing. Because of this I’m going to move to a three-a-week update schedule, with Monday, Wednesday, and Friday as the update days. I’m also in the process of reducing my non-school obligations so that I can free up more time to work on a Rent-A-Thug print book (tentatively titled First Offence) and putting pencil to paper on some new Rent-A-Thug short stories.

Whew, that was a relatively long one. Check out the Mug Shots/Rap Sheets section and I’ll see you tomorrow with another Rules For Criminal Success strip.

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