More Site news

I’m in the process of getting an online store up and running so that I can sell the hats and prints shown previously online, which should be done in the next few days or so.

I’ve also added a link button for the Webcomic List underneath the buzzComix vote button (which, by the way, you should all use to vote for Rent-A-Thug. Just sayin’.). I signed up for the Webcomic List sort of on a whim and it turned out to be an incredibly fruitful sign-up, as Rent-A-Thug is, as of this post, ranked #110 on their top list. Which is freaking sweet. I’d like to give a big thanks to the folks at the Webcomic List and the people who catapulted Rent-A-Thug through the rankings so quickly, as well as any of you who may have come to the site from there.

Entirely unrelatedly, I’ve recently had some illustration assignments for the Gateway that I’m planning on uploading to the site shortly. Neither of them use the Rent-A-Thug art style, and both are in colour! Holy crap!

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