Rent-A-Thug #274 – The Rabbit Hole part 17
So apparently I suck at remembering that I need to actually POST the comic after I draw it.I think I keep forgetting because Rent-A-Thug is currently the least time-consuming project I’m working on. For those interested in such things, the current project list is something like this: Rent-A-Thug, art for a five page short story for a locally produced print book, and I started writing a rule set for an RPG/miniature game hybrid. And I’ve got 28 Hockeypocalypse pages in the can, with the script for the next thirty-some just needing the last few pages written.
This is probably the most action so far in this story arc. And it’s Edgar Jones shooting down an assault kitten. Yeah, this isn’t a weird story arc AT ALL.
NHL Free Agency opens tomorrow morning, which I’m pretty excited about. In the era of the salary cap, Free Agency is when all the big-time signings and trades happen. I’m hoping the Oilers can make some moves that set them up for a run into the playoffs next season.
Thanks for reading, see you Friday!
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