Rent-A-Thug #165 – Rules For Criminal Success #47
August 27th, 2008

Rent-A-Thug #165 – Rules For Criminal Success #47

I frequently use “you could kill somebody if you hit them with it” as a descriptor when talking about a particularly large book. No, I’m not kidding. I’m weird like that. I think this is the first time I’ve used black blood in Rent-A-Thug. I just finished up a book that I was hired to draw and I used black blood in that one, which is a fairly common thing in black and white comics, and then continued to use it without thinking about it. I might keep using it, actually, I kind of like it.

I attended the first part of the Pop Print Culture Conference at the University of Alberta earlier today. I drew a one page story called Apocalypse Hockey for Pop Cult Comics, a comic anthology created for the conference by comics scholar Orion Kidder. I’ll be attending again tomorrow as part of a Comic Battle put on by Happy Harbor Comics. I’ll also be helping out with a presentation at Happy Harbor Comics by underground comics legend Trina Robbins tomorrow night, which you should check out if you’re able. Should be a good time.

Thanks for reading, see you Friday!

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